Screw the Hierarchy

Will Hollywood producer Scott Rudin finally be held accountable for his abusive behavior?

Episode Summary

Hollywood producer Scott Rudin — known for The Social Network and No Country for Old Men — is under fire for workplace abuse — both the illegal and legal kind. Throwing things, making racist remarks, overworking people, silencing workers, smearing workers when they leave — those are just some of the abusive behaviors he's gotten away with over the years. He stepped down, but will he finally be held accountable? If you've been abused at work related to your race, gender, disability, age, or other demographic and would like to share your story anonymously, email If you feel like you need more help, I have a free guide to recovery steps at and a signup for daily boosts through your inbox at the same place. Facebook: @HierarchyPodcast Twitter: @ScrewHierarchy