Screw the Hierarchy

Psychological injury IS physical injury: it shows up on brain scans — with Dr. Jennifer Fraser

Episode Summary

We know physical injury is harm. We also know there's a mind-body connection, and the stress from abuse at work can result in such stress-related symptoms as anxiety and digestive issues. But abusive behavior can also result in physical injury seen on brain scans, meaning psychological injury IS physical injury. In this episode, I talk with Dr. Jennifer Fraser, author of The Bullied Brain, who walks us through the research in neuroscience and offers hope when looking at neuroplasticity: we can restore our brains back to health. If you've been abused at work and would like to share your story anonymously, email If you feel like you need more help, I have a free guide to recovery steps at Facebook: @HierarchyPodcast Twitter: @ScrewHierarchy