Screw the Hierarchy

My top 5 ways anti-abuse groups perpetuate abuse

Episode Summary

Writing rules as they go regardless of what their bylaws say. Not holding elections and retaining power. Removing people who disagree and positioning their behavior as bullying regardless of what outside investigators find (gaslighting). Not holding yes-people accountable. Taking on rights but not responsibilities of leadership. Allowing smearing of colleagues to happen at formal meetings. Reinforcing gender stereotypes and hierarchies. False accusations. Paying lip service to values they do not uphold. These tactics are some of the tools I've seen higher-ups in workplace anti-abuse groups use to hide their insecurities and incompetence and retain their power. Not targets themselves, these absent and passive higher-ups reinforce their entitlement to power and control based on positive stereotypes and vilify threats to their power and control. In this episode, I share by top 5 ways these groups perpetuate abuse. If you've been abused at work and would like to share your story anonymously, email If you feel like you need more help, I have a free guide to recovery steps at and a signup for daily boosts through your inbox at the same place. Facebook: @HierarchyPodcast Twitter: @ScrewHierarchy