Screw the Hierarchy

How "yes" people enable serial abusers — part of the workplace abuse playbook

Episode Summary

This week, the New York state attorney general released a 165-page report on Governor Andrew Cuomo's misdeeds, including how those misdeeds were allowed to fester: through his "yes" people, the loyalists who protected him. In this week's episode, I talk about how "yes" people enable and even embolden serial abusers and how they're part of the abuser playbook of abusing power above the rules while vilifying those who speak up. If you've been abused at work and would like to share your story anonymously, email If you feel like you need more help, I have a free guide to recovery steps at and a signup for daily boosts through your inbox at the same place. Facebook: @HierarchyPodcast Twitter: @ScrewHierarchy