Screw the Hierarchy

3 big reasons bystanders don't step in

Episode Summary

While collective action is one of the most effective ways to hold employers accountable, so many bystanders flat-out refuse to step in. We hear dismissive comments like "well, he's nice to me" or "are you sure that's what's happening?" or whatever piece of unsolicited advice they think will put them in the know and you out of it. It's all toxic. Some seem to not understand that remaining neutral sides with aggressors, and many hold onto the belief that it's a just world, so it must be at least partially the target's own fault. These same people might know there's a rigged system built on stereotypes, but their actions just don't match the talk. It's blatant hypocrisy, just like the employers who tout values they don't uphold. In this episode, I talk about three main reasons bystanders don't step up. If you've been abused at work and would like to share your story anonymously, email If you feel like you need more help, I have a free guide to recovery steps at and a signup for daily boosts through your inbox at the same place. Facebook: @HierarchyPodcast Twitter: @ScrewHierarchy